FIN 380 - Ethical and Professional Standard

Course Description

This course discusses the code of ethics and standards of professional conducts recommended by the CFA institute to both candidates and members of the CFA program. It introduces ethics, related challenges to ethical behavior, and the role played by ethics and professionalism in the investment industry. It provides a framework to support ethical decision-making as a guide to the proper behavior in the investment industry. The CFA Institute Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct (or Code and Standards for short) are examined, with attention given to each standard and its application. The course concludes with coverage of the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS).

Course Learning Outcomes

At the end of this course, students should be able to learn:

  • how to explain the need for high ethical standards in the investment industry and the ethical responsibilities required by the CFA Institute Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct
  • to demonstrate the application of the Code and Standards by the CFA institute
  • to demonstrate an understanding of the Global Investment Performance Standards GIPS.

Course Materials

  • Slides, lecture notes and homework material
  • Sources:
    • Standards of Practice Handbook, CFA Institute, 11th Edition, 2014
    • Ethical and professional Standards and Quantitative Methods, Level 1, Volume 1, 2020
    • IFT approved CFA prep provider contents
    • Mark Meldrum approved CFA prep provider contents
    • Kaplan Schweser approved CFA prep provider contents

Course Content

  • Ethics and Trusts in the Investment Profession
  • Code of Ethics & Standards of Professional Conduct
  • Guidance for Standards I-VII: I-Professionalism
  • Guidance for Standards I-VII: II-Integrity of Capital Markets
  • Guidance for Standards I-VII: III-Duties to Clients
  • Guidance for Standards I-VII: IV-Duties to Employers
  • Guidance for Standards I-VII: V-Investment Analysis, Recommendations and Actions
  • Guidance for Standards I-VII: VI-Conflicts of Interest
  • Guidance for Standards I-VII: VII-Responsibilities as a CFA Institute Member or CFA Candidate
  • Introduction to Global Investment Performance Standards GIPS
  • Applications of the Code and Standards: Case study

TBS Grading Scale

Scale (out of 100)TBS Grading ScaleGrade Point
Grade > 90A4.0
87≤ Grade < 90A-3.7
83 ≤ Grade < 87B+3.3
80 ≤ Grade < 83B3.0
77 ≤ Grade < 80B-2.7
73≤ Grade < 77C+2.3
70 ≤ Grade < 73C2.0
67 ≤ Grade < 70C-1.7
65 ≤ Grade < 67D+1.3
60 ≤ Grade < 65D1.0
Grade < 60F0.0