IT 310 - Computer Networking Basics

Course Description

This course provides students with instruction in networking technologies and their implementation. Topics include the OSI reference model, network protocols, transmission media, and networking hardware and software.

Course Learning Outcomes

At the end of this course students will be able: • To know the network taxonomy • To distinguish the functions of the different components of the Internet • To understand the different services and applications of the Internet • To master the different e-business models

Course Materials

  • Data and Computer Communications, William Stallings
  • Computer Networks, Tanenbaum

Course Content

Part I: Internet Infrastructure

  1. Identifying Network Components
  2. Interconnecting Network Components
  3. Operating and Managing Part II: Internet Protocols and Services
  4. Layered Model
  5. Internet Protocols
  6. AdressResolutionProtocols

Part III: Internet for Business

  1. Internet Business Models
  2. E-Commerce
  3. E-Government
  4. Challenges

TBS Grading Scale

Scale (out of 100)TBS Grading ScaleGrade Point
Grade > 90A4.0
87≤ Grade < 90A-3.7
83 ≤ Grade < 87B+3.3
80 ≤ Grade < 83B3.0
77 ≤ Grade < 80B-2.7
73≤ Grade < 77C+2.3
70 ≤ Grade < 73C2.0
67 ≤ Grade < 70C-1.7
65 ≤ Grade < 67D+1.3
60 ≤ Grade < 65D1.0
Grade < 60F0.0